June 10, 2010

March of the Monarch

Has it really been since mid-April that I made the 45-day pledge to myself that I would find a new job??? So much for that - this job market stinks. Plus I am in the middle of cleaning out files & furniture so that we can move to a new office. Plus I haven't completed the things for my boss' husband that I need to do in order to end my work involvement with him. Ah, so much to do. So little motivation.

As I was going through yet another overly full file folder, a monarch butterfly was making his way through the hedge in front of my window. So lovely and peaceful. Such a gorgeous, visual picture of dealing with what is right in front of me and not worrying or stressing about everything else.

Today is all I can control. I will finish emptying out these file cabinets, I will post some job ads, I will clean my house for tomorrow night's festivities, I will do my Bible study homework. I will break free of the past and myself. I will only focus on today and what I need to be doing this very minute. I will not stress out about the future. "Each day has enough trouble of its own."

April 17, 2010

New Name

I decided to change the name and expand the focus of this blog. I need a new direction for my life. I certainly don't want to look back on my forties and have any regrets. I regret so much of the last 20 years - and like that saying, most of it is the stuff I didn't do, say or learn.

I am on a 45-day plan to find a new job. It is not going to be easy in this economy. Plus, I have taken on way more at work than I know I should have. Like helping my boss' husband with his work. I'm not sure I'll be able to extract myself very easily from this job. It is going to be messy - that I am certain of - but I am also certain it is necessary for my mental and physical health.

I am taking this Saturday "off" - meaning that I am doing nothing, NOTHING, at all. Right now I'm watching "Julie & Julia" and enjoying it just as much as the first time.

February 11, 2010

The Young Victoria

Monday night, 2/8, I went to see the movie "The Young Victoria." I am a sucker for a good period piece and this one was excellent. Emily Blunt plays Victoria as a feisty young woman who has been too sheltered for her own good. The costumes and scenery are amazing and the love story between Victoria and Albert is great. Sometimes you forget that it is basically an arranged marriage! The supporting characters are great including Mark Strong as Victoria's nemesis and competition for her mother's attention and Paul Bettany as the prime minister who befriends Victoria. Miranda Richardson is also amazing as Victoria's determined mother.

I don't know much about the real Victoria so I can't attest to the historical accuracy of the movie, but I highly enjoyed it and it was a great night alone at the movies.

January 20, 2010

Some good information

I've been spending most nights reading "Under the Dome" and haven't had much time for single adventures.

Here is a cool article that I may need to re-read



January 15, 2010

Personal Space Issues

Last night I had production training at church that didn't start until 7. So I left work and picked up some library books and headed over to Panera. I ordered my dinner and sat down in what I thought was going to be a quiet corner of the restaurant. I brought "Half-Broke Horses" with me to read. I'm really enjoying this book and thought I could get through a lot of it before having to leave for church.

It was only after getting settled that I noticed the woman directly across from me was talking on her cell phone while eating her salad. LOUDLY. It was as if she was in the booth with me talking away about her family, etc. So annoying. But I did manage to tune her out eventually. Until the high school kids decided to take a table right behind me and use their time to talk about their college applications, etc. Not the most relaxing environment, but I made it work.

I am determined to get out of the house more and not be such a homebody. Although that is exactly what I have planned for tomorrow.

January 14, 2010


This past week it has been so cold that I haven't wanted to do anything other than stay in and stay under the covers. However, last night I went to get a hair cut and was really in need of dinner afterwards.

So I went to this Mexican quick-serve restaurant called Bajio and had a mesquite chicken burrito. And ate it in the restaurant. Yes, just me and my book and my burrito. Of course, a quick-serve restaurant is not the same thing as a "real" one with an actual waiter, etc. But it was a first step.

This weekend I'm hoping to see a movie. Maybe "The Lovely Bones" or "A Single Man" (which is finally playing in my town).

January 8, 2010

Weekend Plans

I love weekends with no major plans. I do, however, intend to try the restaurant thing again. Perhaps after I work the 10:10 service, I will go to a restaurant and eat by myself. I'll be sure to take a book!

January 7, 2010

First Success and First Failure

Last Monday, Dec 28, I went to see the movie "Sherlock Holmes" all by my lonesome. I don't usually like going to movies alone. I'm not sure why. It's not like you can actually talk and socialize with the people who are with you. You are just sitting in the dark silently watching a big screen. So I decided I wanted to see this movie whether anyone else wanted to go with me or not. And so I did. I was a little uncomfortable at first, but I forgot about that once Jude Law came on the screen. Yum!

However, last night (Wed, Jan 6) I really wanted a coca-cola cake from Cracker Barrel. My intention was to actually eat in the restaurant, but that didn't happen. I was just too chicken. I can't stand the thought of people looking at me, judging me or pitying me. I know, it is completely ridiculous. So I ordered my cake to go and ate it at home. Guess I'll have to try again.