June 10, 2010

March of the Monarch

Has it really been since mid-April that I made the 45-day pledge to myself that I would find a new job??? So much for that - this job market stinks. Plus I am in the middle of cleaning out files & furniture so that we can move to a new office. Plus I haven't completed the things for my boss' husband that I need to do in order to end my work involvement with him. Ah, so much to do. So little motivation.

As I was going through yet another overly full file folder, a monarch butterfly was making his way through the hedge in front of my window. So lovely and peaceful. Such a gorgeous, visual picture of dealing with what is right in front of me and not worrying or stressing about everything else.

Today is all I can control. I will finish emptying out these file cabinets, I will post some job ads, I will clean my house for tomorrow night's festivities, I will do my Bible study homework. I will break free of the past and myself. I will only focus on today and what I need to be doing this very minute. I will not stress out about the future. "Each day has enough trouble of its own."